The Original Red Letter Challenge
at christ the king lutheran church during lent 2025
The Roadmap
week by week through lent
1Introduction: "Red Letters"
Introduction (Sunday, March 2) and Days 1-5 (March 4-8)
If you sort through all the sayings of Jesus in the Gospels (the "Red Letter" verses), how might they shake out into groups?
In the Red Letter Challenge suggests that a workable system of groups might be verses about Being, Forgiving, Serving, Giving, and Going (these are introduced in Days 1-5)
2Week 1: BEING
Days 6 - 12 (March 9-15)
Back to the basics!
What does it mean to be a Christian if not to pattern our life after Jesus own example? And what does it mean to learn from Jesus if not to cultivate habits of being close to him?
Days 13-19 (March 16-22)
If "Being" is what Christians do to position themselves to be close to Jesus and live like He did, then "Forgiving" is what Christians do to position others to be close to Jesus, too
4week 3: SERVING
Days 20-26 (March 23-29)
"Being" like Jesus and "forgiving" others are great practices to learn and do! But often, we'll see that someone else needs some kind of "boots-on-the-ground" help. That's where "Serving" comes in. Serving involves noticing the needs of others, thinking about how we might meet that need, and stepping up to help.
5week 4: GIVING
Days 27-33 (March 30-April )
"Giving" is about building an attitude of generosity, that flows from the habits of being like Jesus, recognizing that Jesus first forgave us, and learning that serving Him is best done by serving others. "Giving" means we look at everything God has given us, and think about whether it's better to hoard it, or share it.
6week 5: GOING
Days 34-40 (April 6-12)
Before Jesus ascended into heaven, He commanded His disciples to GO and make disciples of all people. Some follow that command by becoming missionaries; others follow that by meeting a distressed friend for coffee. What might you think to do, to go and tell others about Jesus?
7after the challenge
Palm Sunday, April 13
Maundy Thursday, April 17
Good Friday, April 18
Easter Sunday, April 20
The Red Letter Challenge comes to an end on Saturday, April 12, but we'll pull it all together as we walk with Jesus through Holy Week to the cross (Good Friday, April 18) and the Resurrection (Easter Sunday, April 20)
By the Numbers
Number of people who can use an RLC book at a time (they're not made for sharing!)
Minutes each day to do the Red Letter Challenge
Teens may easily use the regular Red Letter Challenge book - middle-schoolers may benefit from an adult partner
covering the cost
The books are free for the taking, but you may also leave a donation in the offering plate.
can i use the book i already have?
Sure! In fact, please do!
Use a different color pen for this time's notes
can i have a new book if i can't find mine?
Sure! There's a signup sheet at church if you want us to order you one.
can i get a book for a friend?
Sure! Sign up for them, too!
For the lent 2025 journey
WHAT IS the Red Letter Challenge?
RLC = Red Letter Challenge
Inside the Being Challenge workbook is everything you need to go on a 40-day life-changing journey by hearing and thinking about the words of Jesus HImself, as He spoke them throughout the Gospels. Are you ready?
why are we doing this again?
It's been a few years - more than 5, anyway
A lot has happened since we first did this Challenge in Lent of 2018. Since then we've also done the Being, Forgiving, and Serving Challenges, and the special Advent Challenge in 2024. Since then some folks have become part of the Christ the King family, who didn't walk through the Red Letter Challenge with us the first time - but they have walked through some of the others with us. This Lenten season would be a great time for us to walk through it again together!
why are we doing this in lent?
It's a great season to do this!
Lent is a 40-day time of reflection, re-evaluation, and repentance. So whyy not?
We'll be joined by believers in almost hundreds of other congregations in our SELC District, other LCMS Districts, other church bodies, and even other countries!
what will the REGULAR sunday schedule look like?
Worship with Holy Communion, 8:15 am and 10:45 am (with sermons tied to the themes of the weeks)
RLC Check-in group (AKA Adult Bible Class) - 9:30 am (Parish Hall), as well as Sunday School
what does the REGULAR wednesday schedule look like?
EVERY WEDNESDAY March 5 - April 9
Ladies' Bible Study, 9:30 am (NOT following the Red Letter Challenge)
Red Letter Challenge Bible Study and Check-in group (Men and women), 9:30 am
11 am LENT Worship
11:45 AM LUNCH
7 pm - Red Letter Challenge Bible Study and Check-in group (Men and women)
what does the maundy thursday schedule look like?
April 17
Worship with Holy Communion
11 am Worship
11:45 am Lunch
what does the good friday schedule look like?
April 18
7 pm Worship
what does the EASTER SUNDAY schedule look like?
April 20
Worship with Holy Communion
8:30 am & 10:45 am
(signups required)
9:30 am Easter Brunch TBD
Contact us here!
to request a Being Challenge Book, to ask a question, or get more information
© 2019